Title V

Title V Grant Project

Angelina College is one of 78 higher education institutions to receive the Title V grant from the U.S. Department of Education in 2022.

This is a remarkable accomplishment for Angelina College, as it is the first time the institution has received the highly competitive Title V grant, which underscores the college’s commitment to expanding opportunities and promoting educational attainment for Hispanic students.

The initiatives of the grant are made up of two components:

  • Establish New Technology Programs for In-Demand Occupations
  • Develop and Strengthen Support Services

Contact Us

3500 South First Street
Lufkin, TX 75901

Title V Grant Contacts:

Dee Ellis
Project Director

Mary Ann Larsen
Network Development Specialist mlarsen@angelina.edu

Jennifer Rivera
Student Support Coordinator jrivera@angelina.edu

Cristian Turberville
Software Development Specialist ctuberville@angelina.edu


Contact Us

Component 1

Establish New Technology Programs for In-Demand Occupations

The first component of the grant has focused on establishing new technology programs for in-demand occupations. Angelina College has developed two new Associate of Applied Science (AAS) programs in Network Administration and Software Development with this grant. These programs equip our students with the necessary skills and knowledge to pursue careers in high-demand fields, providing them with increased employment opportunities and contributing to the economic growth of our community.

Component 2

Develop and Strengthen Support Services

The second component of the grant aims to develop and strengthen our support services for students. Angelina College has expanded current services and developed new on-campus and online tutoring services to ensure our students receive the academic support they need to succeed. In addition, we’ve implemented a comprehensive mentoring system that uses peer and faculty mentors to provide students with additional guidance and support throughout their college journey.

Overall Goals

The overall goals of the Title V grant include:
  • Increase retention rate to at least 40%
  • Increase enrollment by at least 200 students
  • Increase the number of computer technology programs
  • Increase the number of academic support services
  • Increase the number of degrees awarded (at least 40 additional degrees per year)

Angelina College is grateful to have received $599,968 in grant funds for the first year of the project, and we anticipate receiving a total of $2,999,868 over the next five years. We are committed to utilizing these funds to improve the quality of education and support services we offer our students.



The contents of this webpage were developed under a grant from the Department of Education. However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.



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