Meet Rowdy

Rowdy the Roadrunner

AC's Official Mascot

Rowdy is the FACE of the College and holds a very high level of prestige.

Rowdy puts in many hours of public relations work throughout the Angelina College service area and its communities: visiting elementary schools, parades, grand openings, charity events, and more.

Interested in Being Rowdy?

If you are interested in beging Rowdy, take a look at the requirements and stay tuned for when applications are open.


To qualify, incoming freshmen must be admitted to Angelina College. Current AC students must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher, be enrolled for at least 12 credit hours, and be in good standing with the College.


The AC Mascot meets weekly to work through events, functions, and practice for game day. The mascot has access to medical supervision and care and a certified athletic trainer.


Being Rowdy affords you many opportunities: early access to academic counselors, priority scheduling,  and a FULL room and Board scholarship ($6000 value).


Submissions will be evaluated on the following criteria:

The new mascot should:

  • Represent positive qualities, ideals or associations around which people can rally

  • Be broadly relevant across the Angelina College community, the student body and generations of alumni

  • Work equally well for women’s and men’s sports teams

  • Have the potential to translate in a visually pleasing manner



We have a tryout process at Angelina College. The tryout includes: Submitting the online application and video including a game day situation performance and an individual-made skit. Finalists will receive an interview.



The candidates are judged on their situational improvisation, use of props, their dancing and are asked to do a number of exercises to test their creativity, professionalism and ability to think on their feet. They also have to know the mascot’s personality. Then the candidates are interviewed in groups to assess their time management skills and commitment level.

Tips to Get Rowdy


Consistency is key!

Reliability is essential. Mascot performers must be able to manage their schedule independently and without close supervision. Failure to appear at a previously scheduled event is cause for removal of one’s performing responsibilities. 

Here are some of the things we’re looking for in potential performers.

Social energy

Success comes with the ability to transform yourself into a completely different person whenever you are in the suit.

A good mascot performer doesn’t necessarily need to be an extrovert. In fact, many introverts have been quite successful in the role, particularly when their true identity is kept secret.  We’re looking for evidence of that during the selection process.

Appearance in the suit

Performer safety is a priority. 

We’re fortunate to have a suit that allows for some reasonable latitude in the range of performer body types and sizes, but the fabric and fur construction provides some challenges. In general, we take an open-minded “let’s try and see what happens” attitude into the selection process, but the overall look and appearance of a performer in the suit is a point of consideration. It is possible to be too small or too big to be able to perform safely. The Rowdy suits best fit performers 5’0”to 6’0″.

Bring the magic

Part of the magic of Rowdy is that they can create something out of nothing.

It’s called improvisation if an impromptu halftime contest is made up on the spot, but it’s also called acting if the performer did some brainstorming and planning in advance for a particular skit. Regardless, successful performers should always be aware of their surroundings and continually think of the next thing they’ll do.

Physical endurance and wellness

Performing as Rowdy is fun and rewarding, but can be a lot of work!

Being active and communicating constantly takes a physical and emotional toll. We want to make sure Rowdy is always healthy and as such, our Rowdy candidates must submit a physical. Health services are available on campus or a report from your personal doctor is fine – all your information is kept confidential.

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