Free college could be waiting for you and your family.

Better Futures

For Pilgrim's Employees

Angelina College partners with Pilgrim’s to provide its team members and their dependents the opportunity to pursue their higher education dreams for associate degrees and trade certificates – tuition free.

We recognize and believe in the transformative power of higher education and the opportunities that come from education, coursework and technical skill training. The Better Futures Program provides meaningful investments in the futures of Pilgrim’s team members, their children and the community. 

Degrees & Certificates at AC

Student Support at AC

Tours at AC

Contact Us

3500 South First Street,
Lufkin, TX 75901


Casey Gerard
Management of Enrollment 

Angelina College

Steps to Become a Roadrunner

After you sign up and are qualified for the program, you may start the application process with Angelina College. AC representatives will be available to help you along the way.

Sign Up Form

Review the program information and complete the sign up form with Pilgrim’s. They will work with your plant HR to verify that team members qualify for the program.

Better Futures Sign Up Form

Apply for Admission

Select the “Be a Roadrunner” application in the link below:


Apply for Financial Aid

Complete the FAFSA Form (Free Application for Federal Aid). Use our school code: 006661


Register for Classes

An Angelina College Success Coach will help you get registered for classes. 



Angelina College will directly bill Pilgrim’s for your tuition and any fees covered by the company, and the company will pay the college directly for those charges.

Any other charges (remaining fees, books, etc.) are paid by the student.


Pilgrim’s Contacts:


Jules Janisko
Content and Education Manager
Phone: (970) 506-8181

Arturo Fernandez
Complex Human Resources Manager II (Lufkin Complex)
Phone: 936-631-6260

Kristy Faulk
Employment Manager (Lufkin Complex)
Phone: 936-631-6226

Yesenia Espinoza
Human Resources Supervisor (Lufkin Complex)
Phone: 936-631-6334

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