8-Week Terms

In 2024-25, Angelina College will implement primarily 8-week terms for all areas of study. 8-week terms allow students to focus on fewer things at once and finish courses faster. Since many courses start every 8-weeks, there are more opportunities to jumpstart your educational journey. 


Q: Why introduce a new format?

A: National and AC research shows higher student performance in the 8-week format. 

Exposing students to information more often – a more immersive approach –  results in higher absorption and retention. AC students are able to dedicate their time to one or two courses during each 8-week term, which provides increased focus time per course. The Student Tutoring Center, the Writing Lab, and TutorMe are available for all students who need additional help.

The research also shows that concentrated learning systems better support individual student needs, emphasize fewer distractions, and allow students to focus intently on an area of interest rather than multitasking.

Q: Can we take more than two courses per 8-weeks?

A: Yes, just as enrollment is currently dependent on multiple factors, the number of courses per 8-week term will be dependent on a variety of factors, such as academic success and/or the number of credits successfully completed. AC Success Coaches will continue helping students look at options that work best for them. Please reach out to your Success Coach for your specific considerations.

Q: Will 8-week courses be easier or more difficult?

A: People learn differently. Generally, 8-week terms will offer a better experience for most students. Traditional 16-week semesters are offered for some courses, especially for courses that require clinicals, work-based learning experiences, or field hours.

Q: Will the same amount of coursework be required for 8-week courses?

A: Course content, objectives, and rigor will remain the same as a traditional 16-week course.

Q; Will 8-week courses transfer to 4-year institutions? 

A: Yes. Public colleges and universities in Texas have transfer agreements in place to make sure courses transfer between institutions. The course length is not notated on the transcript.

Q: Will class times be longer?

A: Some courses will meet more frequently and others may become hybrid courses, which is a mix of both in-class and online to meet seat time requirements. 

Q: As a part-time student who has to balance work, family, and my education, I am concerned that 8-week courses might be too much for me to handle.

A: Students who enroll in 8-week courses are able to focus on fewer courses at a time compared to students taking the same number of credits over 16 weeks. Regardless of course length, students are more likely to succeed if they practice good study habits, maintain regular contact with their instructor, and visit the Tutoring Center (in person or online).

Q: Will this help me graduate earlier?

A: Colleges in Texas that adopted 8-week terms experienced an increase in the number of students completing 6 or more credits in their first semester and 15 or more credits in their first year. Faster accumulation of credits leads to improved graduation rates.

Q: When can I begin 8-week courses?

A: 8-week courses provide more opportunities throughout the year to start classes: January, March, June, July, August, and October.


I appreciate the 8-week courses not only as an instructor but as a past, and yet again, student myself.  Currently, my daughter is in her fourth semester at TAMU and I see the struggles she faces with staying motivated, especially after that 9th week.  She begins all of her courses with such enthusiasm and organized dedication, however, it’s difficult for her to maintain that level of dedication through the remaining 4 to 6 weeks.  I’m sure many factors play a role in the decrease in diligence, still, I believe if she were to be allowed to attend 8-week courses she wouldn’t develop the disinterest she, and the other students, do in the 16-week courses.

Monica Newberg Criminal Justice Faculty

I prefer 8-week courses to 16-week courses as it allows for a more focused course load. Specifically, with four 8-week courses, you only have two courses active during each half semester, reducing the course spread. This does require a higher course load per week as a result for each course, but that is a good trade off for the reduced attention reduction from having three or more courses that you have to keep track of. In summation, I am satisfied with my experience with 8-week courses, and would prefer to take such courses in the future when possible.

Phillip ThomasElectronics Technology Major

I completed two degrees with 8-week courses. If the courses were not set up in 8-week terms, I would have not been able to complete them due to working full time and being a mom of two. When the College asked us to move to 8-week courses where we could, I jumped on board because I personally have experienced how this benefited me as a student.

Shanda KeelyChair of Workforce Education
I’ve been enjoying the 8-week courses. The fast pace is excellent, and the 8-week courses enable me to balance managing responsibilities at home and prioritizing my education. I have been working on my associates for myself and to show my children how important it is to go to college and make something out of themselves.
Angelica Rojo Business & Supervision Major
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